Wednesday 11 April 2012

Silvestru;s Global Flood, Part four, atomic bursts

This is part of a longer post about Silvestru's video containing evidence for a Global Flood.  I chose to break up the posts so that individual claims can be better discussed.  The video can be found here:

Note that the video starts with about thirty minutes of introduction.  I believe the original poster of the video has left some suggestions of where to start watching to skip the intro.

In this post, which I thought about naming, "the science of 1950's monster movies" due to the strange belief that blaming atomic energy would solve his problems, Silvestru hypothesizes how the Earth could buckle and the oceans could flood the land.

At around 1:10, Silvestru brings up the mechanism for the flood, and I do, at last, feel competent to comment upon this. My summary:
Combined creationist model: Massive radioactive bursts send heat from the core, through the mantle to the ocean floor, creating domes.  The ocean basins' volume decreases and the water is pushed over the continents.  Radio clocks are 'reset'  Ocean floors rise, continents sink and deep ocean sediments flow onto (what is now) land.

His description includes images which show radioactive bursts moving up to the mantle under the ocean floors.  Here is a big problem.  Radioactive waves can travel more-or-less forever in vacuum. They don't travel nearly so far in atmosphere, liquids and don't travel far at all in heavy metal solids.  If radioactive bursts originated at or near the core, they would almost immediately hit the atoms of nearby ore.  Depending on the ore, the burst might be extinguished or amplified, but the direction of the continued burst would be random.  A particle hits and excites a nucleus and one or more particles may leave but there is no expectation that the new particles would continue in the same direction.  If Silvestru wants to imagine the entire Earth's mantle expanding due to heat energy, fine.  However, he cannot expect merely local expansion and buckling to occur.  His mechanism sucks.

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